Complete Water Management

Holistic mining water management software and visualisation tools 

Drone photo of a mining site featuring safe tailings storage facility managed by GDMS

Tailings Management Software that Empowers the Operator 

GDMS’ advanced water modelling software capabilities validate a mine’s entire water usage on a sitewide scale. With specialist toolkits for tailings water, surface water and ground water management, users can streamline project economics by optimising water in design. Software capabilities allow users to model dam breaks, enabling risk management and mitigation. 

Visualise your project’s water use in a single, centralised platform as it moves through the mining process, reporting on requirements, balances, inputs, and outputs.

The software models the rate and extent of tailings deposition into the facility. It considers the different uses for water in the lifecycle, as it relates to risk, processing, environmental responsibilities, and sitewide operations. It further provides insight into slurry water movement, reporting on sinks and water balances.

Water in Mining

Water is used throughout the mining process, enmeshed in the processes and environment that constitutes the majority of a mine’s lifecycle. The inflows, outflows, movements, and water usage can have a significant impact on the process of an operation, and so sitewide water management is paramount to ensure a continuous and productive operation. Without thorough oversight of your mine’s water use, your operation is open to risks and failures at several key stages in your operation. Take control of your operation with sitewide water management, facilitated by immersive software that empowers the operator.


Specialist Toolkits

The software can be supplemented with any of the water in design toolkits. These toolkits allow users to inspect and manage tailings water, surface water and ground water.  These provide technical oversight for how water moves across an operation, optimising water in design.

Risk Mitigation

In modelling the movement of water throughout your operation you can implement both current processes and preventative measures relating to the conveyance of water throughout the mining process. 

Water Visualisation

Visualise your project’s water use in a single, centralised platform as it moves through the mining process, The interactive software allows users to input variables to work in tandem with the data provided by the autonomous loggers.  

Reporting Capabilities

The GDMS software has integrated reporting capabilities to allow for synergy between stakeholders relating to sitewide water management, reporting on requirements, balances, inputs, and outputs.


The software incorporates three water in design toolkits that provide technical oversight for how water moves across an operation, optimising water in design.

Tailings Water

This toolkit is designed to perform threefold risk assessment; cost optimisation, stability and environmental. In doing so it is able to streamline the water movement in your tailings facility, with minimal effect upon your process and bottom line.  

Surface Water

This toolkit is designed to assess downstream receptors for sediment loads, managing surface water. It mitigates inundation risk by mapping projected inundation and providing catchment analysis.  

Ground Water

This toolkit is designed to act as a risk management tool for ground water levels through hydrogeological analyses and mapping. The applications of this include ground water modelling, level modelling, elevated ground water modelling and predictive water modelling.  


GDMS offers a holistic solution to the management of water usage and waste in a centralised platform. Our software’s 3D capabilities can significantly reduce the time required to develop a dewatering and groundwater management strategy where a complex environment or operational challenges exist. 

Poor water management can lead to operational disruption, equipment damage, environmental risk and worse – loss of life. Water management is a critical part of maintaining infrastructure and ensuring that operations run smoothly. Our immersive software enables organizations to manage water in real time, providing them with data-driven insights that allow for more efficient operation and maintenance.

Our intelligent and precise 3D modelling environment streamlines project economics by optimising water in design. We enable active dam management, to see live capacity at any time, record water levels, inputs and outputs and ensure operational accountability for water use.  

Revolutionise Your TSF Management with GDMS.

Empower yourself with the knowledge to effectively manage your mining water and improve safety with this cutting-edge technology. Book a demo today and transform your approach to TSF management!