Benefits of Tailings Management Technology in Mine Planning
Tailings management technology can assist mining companies in maintaining sustainable operations by enhancing dam safety and reducing environmental impacts. In the wake of catastrophic dam collapses, mine operators globally are under increasing scrutiny to meet rigorous safety standards for their tailings storage facilities following the launch of the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM) […]
Achieving ESG Goals with Tailings Management Software
In recent years, there has been increased pressure for mining companies to achieve social and environmental standards or face harsh penalties or even a ban on operating in certain countries. ESG goals are the ways companies can demonstrate their commitment to long term sustainability and profitability using sustainable materials and processes as well as environmental […]
Optimising Water Usage in Mining with Immersive Software
Water is used throughout the mining lifecycle, and forms a key component of the operation; mining companies are responsible for more than 10 per cent of the world’s total freshwater consumption, according to the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). Three-quarters of this water is used for processing ore and producing metal, while the […]